Are there any specific restrictions or rules for Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal?

Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal can stay for up to six months to actively seek employment, ensure financial support, and comply with immigration laws for a successful job search experience.

Yes, there are specific restrictions and rules that Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal must follow. These guidelines are important to ensure compliance with the visa terms and to avoid any legal issues during your stay:

1. Work Restrictions

  • No Employment Allowed: The primary restriction is that you cannot work while holding a Job Seeker Visa. The visa is specifically granted to allow you to enter Portugal and search for a job, not to engage in paid employment. Once you find a job, you must apply for a residence permit that allows you to work legally.

2. Duration of Stay

  • Initial Visa Period: The Job Seeker Visa is typically valid for 120 days (approximately 4 months). If you do not secure employment within this period, you may apply for a one-time extension of 60 days, giving you a total of 180 days (approximately 6 months) to find a job.
  • No Further Extensions: If you are unable to find employment within the extended period, you must leave Portugal once your visa expires, as no further extensions are allowed under this visa type​.

3. Travel within the Schengen Area

  • Schengen Travel Rules: While you are allowed to travel within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within any 180-day period, your primary residence and focus must remain in Portugal. The visa does not permit you to reside or work in other Schengen countries​.

4. Registration with Authorities

  • SEF Registration: Upon arrival in Portugal, you are required to register with the local immigration authorities (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, SEF). This registration is crucial to maintaining your legal status in the country while you search for employment​.
  • Local Address Registration: Depending on the municipality, you may also need to register your local address with the Junta de Freguesia (local parish council).

5. Obligation to Find Employment

  • Job Search Requirement: The visa is specifically issued for the purpose of seeking employment, so you are expected to actively search for a job during your stay. If you secure a job, you must apply for a residence permit to continue staying and working in Portugal legally.

6. Health Insurance Requirement

  • Mandatory Health Insurance: You must have valid health insurance coverage for the entire duration of your stay in Portugal. This insurance must cover medical emergencies, hospitalization, and repatriation​.


As a Job Seeker Visa holder in Portugal, you are not permitted to work until you secure a job and obtain a work permit. The visa allows you to stay for up to 180 days (with an extension), during which you must actively seek employment. You must also register with SEF upon arrival, maintain health insurance, and adhere to the travel rules within the Schengen Area. Failure to comply with these rules can result in legal consequences and affect your visa status.