What support services are available for Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal?

Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal have access to a variety of support services, including job placement assistance, career counseling, language courses, resume writing workshops, networking events, job fairs, and social services.

Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal have access to various support services that can assist them in their job search and help them integrate into the country. These services are designed to provide guidance, resources, and networking opportunities for those seeking employment in Portugal. Here are some key support services available:

1. Public Employment Services (IEFP)

  • Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP): The IEFP is Portugal’s national employment service that offers a wide range of services to job seekers, including access to job listings, career counseling, vocational training, and workshops on job search strategies. Job Seeker Visa holders can register with the IEFP to take advantage of these services and receive personalized assistance in finding employment​.

2. Career Counseling and Workshops

  • Career Guidance: Many cities in Portugal offer career counseling services through local employment centers. These centers provide one-on-one counseling sessions to help you identify your skills, explore career options, and develop a job search plan.
  • Workshops and Training Programs: The IEFP and other organizations often run workshops and training programs on various topics such as CV writing, interview preparation, and language skills, which can be invaluable in improving your employability in Portugal​.

3. Language Courses

  • Portuguese Language Courses: Learning Portuguese can significantly improve your job prospects in Portugal. Many language schools and community centers offer Portuguese language courses for foreigners. Some municipalities also provide subsidized or free language courses to help newcomers integrate into Portuguese society​.

4. Networking Opportunities

  • Professional Networking Events: Attending networking events, job fairs, and industry-specific conferences can be an excellent way to meet potential employers and other professionals in your field. Organizations such as the American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal and the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce frequently host events that can be beneficial for networking​.
  • Expatriate Communities: Portugal has a vibrant expatriate community, particularly in cities like Lisbon and Porto. Joining expat groups and attending social events can help you build connections, learn from others’ experiences, and find job opportunities through word of mouth​.

5. Online Job Portals

  • Job Search Websites: Several online job portals are widely used in Portugal, including websites like LinkedIn, Sapo Emprego, and Expresso Emprego. These platforms allow you to search for job openings, connect with recruiters, and apply for positions directly online​.

6. Legal and Immigration Assistance

  • Legal Aid and Consulting Services: If you need assistance with legal matters related to your visa status or employment rights, several organizations and law firms in Portugal specialize in immigration and employment law. They can provide guidance on transitioning from a Job Seeker Visa to a work visa or residence permit and help with any legal issues you may encounter during your stay​.


Job Seeker Visa holders in Portugal can access various support services, including public employment services (IEFP), career counseling, workshops, Portuguese language courses, networking opportunities, online job portals, and legal assistance. These services are designed to help job seekers navigate the Portuguese job market, improve their employability, and successfully find employment.