What is the processing time for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa application?

The processing time for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa application varies based on factors like application volume and accuracy.

The processing time for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa application can vary based on several factors, including the volume of applications and the specific consulate or embassy handling the application. Here are the key points to consider:

1. Standard Processing Time

  • Initial Assessment: Typically, the initial assessment of the application can take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. This period is used to review the completeness and accuracy of the submitted documentation.
  • Final Decision: After the initial assessment, the final decision can take an additional 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the consulate's workload and the complexity of the individual application​.
  • Total Time: In total, applicants should expect the entire process to take approximately 6 to 12 weeks from the date of submission until receiving the final decision​.

2. Factors Influencing Processing Time

  • Volume of Applications: High volumes of applications can lead to longer processing times. Popular consulates, or those in major cities, may experience more significant delays.
  • Completeness of Application: Incomplete or inaccurate applications can cause delays, as applicants may be required to provide additional information or correct errors.
  • Consulate Specific Procedures: Different Spanish consulates and embassies might have slightly different procedures and processing times. It's important to check the specific requirements and timelines for the consulate where you are applying.

3. Steps in the Application Process

  • Document Preparation: Ensure all required documents are collected, including proof of remote work, financial stability, health insurance, and a clean criminal record.
  • Submission: Submit the application at the designated Spanish consulate or embassy in your home country or a country where you have legal residence.
  • Interview: Some consulates may require an interview as part of the application process. This step can add additional time to the overall processing period.
  • Notification: Once a decision has been made, applicants will be notified by the consulate. If approved, they can proceed to collect their visa and make travel arrangements.

4. Expedited Processing

  • Urgent Applications: In certain circumstances, applicants may request expedited processing. This typically requires demonstrating a compelling reason for urgency, such as a specific job start date or family emergency. Expedited processing is not guaranteed and is subject to the consulate’s discretion.


The processing time for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa generally ranges from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on various factors, including application volume and consulate-specific procedures. Ensuring that the application is complete and accurate can help avoid delays. For the most up-to-date and detailed guidance on processing times and application procedures, visit the official website of the Spanish consulate or embassy where you plan to apply or consult resources like Movingto.io.