What is the maximum duration of stay granted by the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

The Spain Digital Nomad Visa allows a 1-year stay for remote workers looking to live in Spain, with the option to renew for additional years.

The Spain Digital Nomad Visa allows remote workers and freelancers to reside in Spain while continuing their work for companies or clients outside the country. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the duration of stay and renewal options:

1. Initial Duration

  • One Year Initial Visa: The Spain Digital Nomad Visa is initially granted for a period of one year. This allows digital nomads to live and work in Spain for 12 months while maintaining their remote employment​.

2. Renewal and Extensions

  • Renewal Options: After the initial one-year period, the visa can be renewed. Each renewal typically extends the visa for an additional two years. This means that after the first renewal, the visa holder can stay in Spain for a total of three years (one year initial plus two years extension)​.
  • Subsequent Renewals: The visa can be renewed multiple times, with each renewal extending the stay by another two years. This process can continue as long as the visa holder meets the eligibility requirements, such as proving ongoing remote work, financial stability, and valid health insurance.

3. Pathway to Long-Term Residency

  • Long-Term Residency Eligibility: After five years of continuous residence in Spain under the Digital Nomad Visa, holders can apply for long-term residency (residencia de larga duración). This status allows for more permanent residence with fewer renewal requirements.


The Spain Digital Nomad Visa grants an initial stay of one year, with the possibility of renewing it for additional two-year periods. With continuous renewals, visa holders can reside in Spain long-term, eventually qualifying for long-term residency after five years. For more detailed guidance on the application and renewal process, visit Movingto.io.