What are the renewal requirements for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

To renew the Spain Digital Nomad Visa, applicants must continue to meet initial eligibility criteria.

Renewing the Spain Digital Nomad Visa involves ensuring continued compliance with various eligibility criteria and submitting necessary documentation. Here are the detailed requirements for renewal:

1. Continued Eligibility

  • Proof of Ongoing Remote Work: Applicants must demonstrate that they continue to work remotely or freelance for companies or clients outside of Spain. This involves providing updated contracts, client agreements, or other evidence of ongoing employment.
  • Financial Stability: Applicants need to prove that they still have sufficient financial resources to support themselves without relying on Spanish income. This is typically shown through recent bank statements, financial documents, or proof of regular income.

2. Health Insurance

  • Valid Health Insurance: Maintaining comprehensive health insurance that meets Spanish requirements is mandatory. This insurance must cover medical expenses, including emergencies, throughout the entire period of the renewed visa.

3. Registration with Local Authorities

  • Empadronamiento: Renewal applicants must ensure they are registered with the local municipal register (Padrón Municipal) and that their registration is current and reflects their correct address in Spain.
  • Foreigner Identity Number (NIE): Applicants must have an updated NIE and ensure they comply with any associated local regulations.

4. Tax Compliance

  • Tax Residency: If the applicant has stayed in Spain for more than 183 days in a year, they may be considered a tax resident and must comply with Spanish tax laws. This involves filing necessary tax returns and providing proof of tax payments or declarations.

5. Application Timeline

  • Timely Submission: Renewal applications should be submitted well before the current visa expires, ideally at least 60 days prior. This ensures there is enough time to process the application without any legal or residency status gaps.

6. Required Documentation

  • Updated Documents: The renewal application must include updated versions of the documents submitted for the initial application, such as:
    • Proof of ongoing remote work or freelance contracts.
    • Recent bank statements or other financial evidence.
    • Valid health insurance policy.
    • A clean criminal record certificate, typically renewed to reflect the current period.

7. Application Process

  • In-Person or Online Submission: Depending on the local immigration office's requirements, renewals can be submitted either in-person or online. It is essential to check the specific requirements of the local office handling the renewal.
  • Processing Time: The processing time for renewals can vary, but applicants should anticipate several weeks. Ensuring all documentation is complete and accurate helps to avoid delays.


Renewing the Spain Digital Nomad Visa requires proof of continued remote work, financial stability, valid health insurance, compliance with local registration and tax regulations, and timely submission of updated documentation. By adhering to these requirements and staying informed about local procedures, digital nomads can successfully extend their stay in Spain. For more detailed guidance and support, visit Movingto.io.