How does the D2 Visa compare to the Golden Visa?

Compare the D2 Visa for study and research with the Golden Visa for residency through investment, both offering unique global opportunities.

When comparing the D2 Visa to the Golden Visa, it's important to consider the key differences between the two programs. The D2 Visa is a temporary visa that allows individuals to study, conduct academic research, or participate in an internship in a specific country. On the other hand, the Golden Visa is a residency by investment program that offers individuals and their families the opportunity to obtain residency in a country by making a qualifying investment.

While the D2 Visa is more focused on academic and professional development opportunities, the Golden Visa is geared towards individuals seeking to establish residency in a new country through investment. The requirements and benefits of each visa program vary, so it's essential to carefully consider your goals and preferences when deciding which option is right for you. Ultimately, both the D2 Visa and the Golden Visa offer unique opportunities for individuals looking to explore new horizons and expand their global footprint.