How do Tech Visa salaries compare to local tech industry standards?

Tech Visa salaries in Portugal attract skilled workers globally by offering competitive pay, elevating industry standards, and fostering a dynamic environment for both employers and employees.

Salaries for Tech Visa holders in Portugal generally align with or slightly exceed local tech industry standards, particularly for highly skilled roles. Here’s a detailed comparison:

1. Alignment with Local Standards

  • Competitive Salaries: Tech Visa holders are typically offered salaries that are competitive with those in the local tech industry. Since the Tech Visa program is designed to attract highly skilled professionals from outside the EU, companies often offer attractive compensation packages to secure top talent. These salaries are generally in line with what local professionals in similar roles would earn, ensuring that foreign workers are compensated fairly for their skills and experience​.

2. Variations by Role and Experience

  • Higher Salaries for Specialized Roles: For specialized or high-demand roles such as software engineers, data scientists, and AI specialists, Tech Visa salaries may be on the higher end of the local salary spectrum. This is due to the scarcity of talent in these areas and the need to attract professionals who might otherwise consider opportunities in other countries​.
  • Experience Level: The salary offered to Tech Visa holders can also vary based on the individual’s experience level. Senior professionals with extensive experience or those holding advanced degrees may command higher salaries compared to local averages for similar positions.

3. Cost of Living Considerations

  • Affordability in Portugal: Compared to other Western European countries, the cost of living in Portugal is relatively low, especially in terms of housing, food, and transportation. As a result, even salaries that are aligned with local standards can provide a comfortable lifestyle for Tech Visa holders, making Portugal an attractive destination for tech professionals.

4. Market Dynamics

  • Attracting Global Talent: To compete with other tech hubs in Europe and globally, Portuguese companies participating in the Tech Visa program often offer salaries that are competitive internationally. This helps attract global talent who might be considering offers from countries with higher overall salary levels.
  • Salary Adjustments: In response to the increased demand for tech talent and the global competition for these skills, some companies may offer salary packages that include bonuses, stock options, or other benefits to enhance the overall compensation and attract top-tier candidates.


Tech Visa salaries in Portugal are generally competitive with local industry standards, with potential for higher pay in specialized roles or for highly experienced professionals. While these salaries align with the local market, they also take into account the need to attract global talent, often resulting in compensation packages that can provide a comfortable lifestyle in Portugal’s relatively affordable cost-of-living environment.