How can employers sponsor a foreign worker for a Spain Work Visa?

Employers in Spain can sponsor a foreign worker by obtaining authorization from the Ministry of Labor, providing a job offer, and applying for a work visa at the consulate.

Employers in Spain can sponsor a foreign worker for a work visa by following a structured process that involves several steps and meeting specific requirements. Here is a detailed guide on how employers can sponsor a foreign worker for a Spain Work Visa:

1. Job Offer and Employment Contract

  • Offer Employment: The first step is for the employer to extend a formal job offer to the foreign worker. This job offer must be for a position that cannot be filled by a local or EU/EEA citizen.
  • Employment Contract: A legally binding employment contract should be prepared, detailing the job role, salary, and other working conditions. This contract must comply with Spanish labor laws and regulations​.

2. Labor Market Test

  • Market Test: For most general work visas, the employer must demonstrate that there are no suitable candidates from Spain or the EU for the position. This is known as the labor market test and usually involves advertising the position locally and within the EU.
  • Exemptions: Highly skilled workers, certain sectors, and roles on the shortage occupation list might be exempt from the labor market test​.

3. Submit Application to Spanish Authorities

  • Work Authorization Request: The employer must submit a work authorization request (Autorización de Residencia y Trabajo) to the Spanish Ministry of Labor. This application should include the employment contract, proof of the labor market test (if applicable), and other required documentation.
  • Supporting Documents: The application should also include proof of the employer's compliance with Spanish labor laws, financial stability, and business registration documents​.

4. Await Authorization Decision

  • Processing Time: The Spanish authorities will review the application, which can take several weeks to a few months. The employer will be notified of the decision.
  • Approval: If approved, the foreign worker will receive authorization to work in Spain. The employer will receive a notification of the work authorization approval​.

5. Apply for Work Visa at Spanish Consulate

  • Consulate Application: The foreign worker must then apply for a work visa at the Spanish consulate or embassy in their home country or country of legal residence. They will need to submit the work authorization, a valid passport, visa application form, and other supporting documents.
  • Visa Interview: The consulate may require an interview and biometric data collection as part of the application process​.

6. Entry and Registration in Spain

  • Entry to Spain: Once the work visa is issued, the foreign worker can enter Spain and begin their employment.
  • Local Registration: Upon arrival, the worker must register with local authorities, obtain a Foreigner Identity Number (NIE), and be enrolled in the Spanish social security system by the employer​.


Employers in Spain can sponsor a foreign worker for a work visa by offering a formal job contract, conducting a labor market test (if required), submitting a work authorization request to the Ministry of Labor, and guiding the worker through the consulate application process. Once approved, the foreign worker can enter Spain, register locally, and start working.