Can investments be made through a business entity for the Spain Golden Visa?

Investments for the Spain Golden Visa can be made through a business entity, offering flexibility and potential benefits for individuals with established businesses or investment vehicles.

Yes, investments can be made through a business entity to qualify for the Spain Golden Visa. However, there are specific conditions and requirements that must be met. Here’s a detailed explanation:

1. Ownership and Control Requirements

  • Majority Ownership: The applicant must have a significant ownership stake in the business entity making the investment. Typically, this means owning at least 51% of the shares or having effective control over the business. This ensures that the applicant is the primary beneficiary of the investment and is eligible for the Golden Visa​.
  • Proof of Ownership: To meet the eligibility criteria, the applicant must provide legal documentation proving their ownership or control of the business entity. This may include shareholder agreements, company registration documents, and financial statements​.

2. Investment Criteria

  • Qualifying Investments: The investment made through the business entity must meet the minimum thresholds required for the Spain Golden Visa program. This can include:
    • €500,000 in real estate
    • €2 million in government bonds
    • €1 million in shares of a Spanish company or a bank deposit​.
  • Direct Investment: The investment must be made directly by the business entity in qualifying assets located in Spain. The purpose is to ensure that the investment benefits the Spanish economy and meets the program’s objectives​.

3. Compliance with Spanish Laws

  • Business Entity Structure: The business entity must be legally registered and compliant with Spanish laws. This includes meeting all regulatory requirements, such as tax obligations and corporate governance standards.
  • Due Diligence: The Spanish authorities will conduct due diligence to verify the legitimacy of the business entity and the investment. This includes ensuring that the funds used for the investment are legally obtained and that the business operates within the legal framework​.

4. Application Process

  • Documentation Requirements: When applying for the Golden Visa, the applicant must submit additional documentation related to the business entity. This includes corporate documents, financial records, and proof of the investment made by the entity​.
  • Legal and Financial Advisors: Given the complexity of making investments through a business entity, it is advisable to work with legal and financial advisors who specialize in Spanish immigration and business law. They can ensure that the investment structure complies with all necessary requirements and increases the likelihood of visa approval​.


Investments for the Spain Golden Visa can indeed be made through a business entity, provided that the applicant has majority ownership or effective control of the entity, and the investment meets the required thresholds. The business must be legally registered in Spain and comply with local laws. Proper documentation and due diligence are essential to ensuring the investment qualifies for the visa. For more detailed guidance, consult resources like and official Spanish immigration websites.